The Adventures of a Vintage Style Lingerie and Foundations Designer
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Part Two
I finally got a chance to finish up editing the second set from my shoot with Mitzi and Mosh! There was a grand pink damask stuffed chair in the scene, but I think because of my urgency to get to the airport and scrambling around not paying attention to the shoot, I rushed this part a bit too much. Thus most of those photos with the chair are in, er, various states of undress (which -- I am just guessing -- but may be going up on Mosh's official site) and not as usuable for me. I am SUCH a sucker for pink and green! It will be a major color combination staple in my upcoming line of lingerie. Ah well, it is a good thing I was working with such talented people, because the photos with the simple mint green walls worked just fine! Enjoy!
Mosh is so stunning, and so are your designs! Good luck at Viva! xoxoxo