The Adventures of a Vintage Style Lingerie and Foundations Designer

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Macy's Fashion Incubator Fashion Show, Fashion Focus 2010

Hello Dottie's Fans!!!

Stephanie's intern Kelsey here to fill you all in on how amazing the CFI Fashion Focus show was!!!
First off I'd like to say just how great the tent and everyone in it looked!!  There were appetizers and drinks, mingling and fun.   

    (Photo Courtesy of Toni Pescatore)
(Photo Courtesy of Toni Pescatore)

Besides putting lookbooks and business cards into each gift bag (pictured on each chair), my only job for the evening was to be on 'belly button' patrol. These girl's were supposed to wear the foundations up on the natural waist, which unforunately some did not do, making their belly buttons show.  But since there were already dressers provided for the show I was unable to be backstage, therefore, unable to catch that mistake.  Just an inch or two higher and oh, the difference it makes! How frustrating!

(Photo Courtesy of Fashion Industry Network)

Still, plenty of the girls pulled it off correctly or just worked their magic anyway!

(Photo Courtesty of Chicago Sun Times)

(Photo Courtesy of NBC)

The bowler hats were work of the shows stylist, but after the suggestion of a little veil for the white lingerie, Stephanie was able to contact another talented local artist: Love, Lulu Mae who ever so graciously let us borrow a few of her amazing hair pieces for not only the bride but also the two pink burlesque twins...she is so sweet and her work is AMAZING!!!!!

(Photo Courtesy of NBC)

Stunning and edgy.

    (Photos Courtesy of Chicago Sun Times)               
                  Vintage-inspired boudoir, amped with romance and sex appeal.

(Photo Courtesy of Bowtie Memoirs)

Overall, the show was a hit and I'm so glad to have been a part of it!!!
Stephanie, you knocked em dead, congrats!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In celebration for the amazing Fashion Focus show we premiered last night, Dottie's Delights is also celebrating the launch of a very brand new website launch!  Take a peek at the lovely layout put together by the ever talented Brad Nagle!  And don't worry, photo of the new Lily 2011 collection will be up very shortly, as well as other little tweaks and fine-tuning, PLUS a more detailed blog post all about the excitement of the our runway presentation and evening recaps!!  

But in the meantime: